Journalist. Screenwriter and director of the podcast series "The bad memory. Sound album against oblivion" produced by Cultura i Conflicte (2024). Author of the podcast "Els fets del Còrrec del Gavatx. An episode of the Civil War in Cerdanya", Carles Rahola Award for best digital information (2024). Co-director and screenwriter of the television documentary "There's Still Someone in the woods", Mémoire de la Mediterranée Award, Marseille International Film Festival (2021); Espiello Award for Best Ethnographic Documentary (2022); Best Feature Film, TerraGollut Film Festival (2021); Best Documentary on Human Rights, Montreal Independent Film Festival (2020). She has also been a screenwriter for the documentaries: “Trapezi, art, espectacle i vida” and “La parella im-possible. La Simfònica de Cobla i Corda de Catalunya”. Responsible for the research and audiovisual content of the playsEurope Survival Guide (2019); There's Still Someone in the Woods (2020), Moríos (2022) and SÍ SÍ SÍ (Teatre de l'Aurora 2024). She was freelance journalist at Diari ARA and developed her professional career at Catalunya Ràdio, as news editor and correspondent in Brussels and Madrid. She received the Salvador de Madariaga Journalism Award (1997) and Non-Sexist Communication Award from the Association of Women Journalists of Catalonia (2021). She is a Fulbright Scholar and a Master in International Affairs at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University, New York, and a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Information Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has taken several dramaturgy courses with Josep Mª Miró, Carles Batlle, Frédéric Sonntag, Laila Ripoll and Davide Carnevali at the Obrador of the Sala Beckett, the Institute of Humanities of the CCCB Barcelona, and at the El Canal de Salt Performing Arts Creation Center.
is a freelance production manager since 2013. She has led different projects such as “els actes de la Nit de Santa Llúcia” organized by Òmnium Cultural (2017 i 2018), the Magic Kings parade in Barcelona (2014-2019) and the MAC festival (2016-2019)., both of them organized by ICUB. In 2014 she was the production manager of the Paris Parade in Santiago de Chile and in 2015 the Disney Magic Run parade, in Barcelona. Between 2004 and 2012 she was production manager at Gerona Grup, where she worked for a variety of private and public institutions.
Actor and theatre director. He has brought to the stage, among others, Tirant lo Blanc Festival GREC de Barcelona, Teatre Romea, Season 24/25; Picasso (King, Monster and Clown) Sala Beckett/Teatro Circo Price 2023/24; Moríos TNC/Temporada Alta/Teatro de la Abadia 2022/23; Canto jo i la Muntanya Balla Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya)2020/20021 (Butaca Award for Best Theatrical Direction and Butaca Award for Best Theatrical Season 20/21) Max Award for Best Direction); There's still someone in the Woods. Cultura i Conflicte Teatre Nacional de Catalunya/Temporada Alta (Finalist MAX Awards and Barcelona Critics Award for Best Dramaturgy 2021); Estat d'emergència/National Circus Plan/Festival GREC.2020. Dramaturgy and Direction of the show; L'amic retrobat National Theatre of Catalonia (2019-2020); Qui ets? Teatre Lliure (2019); Veus que no veus Cia Pepa Plana (2018) Butaca Award for Best Family Show; Històries d'Istanbul a contrapeu: GREC and Teatre Lliure 2017/2018; Invisibles 21st Winter Circus 2016/2017; Pals Ciclicus Circ. 2015; Comte Arnau Fira Mediterrània 2015; La Julieta Perla29.2015; Vals-Blesse Cia Daraomai France 2014); Vaques Sagrades Almeria Theatre 2013/2014; El Baró dels Arbres Taaroa Theatre, Teatre Lliure 2013/2015; Més enllà de la Foscor Taaroa Theatre, Sala Beckett.Barcelona 2012;
Author of Pes mort (Sala La Planeta 2024), Moriu-vos (Teatre Nacional de Catalunya 2022), Obsolescència Programada (Sala Beckett 2022); There's Still Someone in the Woods (TNC 2021), based on the stories of survivors of rape during the Bosnian War, finalist for the MAX 2021 awards for best theatrical authorship and Performing Arts Critics Award for best version/ adaptation 2021; and Europe Survival Guide (Kamerni Teatar, Sarajevo, 2019).
He has won the 2015 MAX Award for the best theatrical adaptation by Fuenteovejuna. Breve tratado de las obejas domésticas, based on the classic by Lope de Vega (awarded at the 3rd edition of the Almagro OFF festival). In addition, he has made three adaptations, including Anna Karènina, by Lev Tolstoi, La veritat sobre la llum by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (premiered at the Teatre Akadèmia April 2024); La madre de Frankenstein by Almudena Grandes; La Víctor C., based on various stories by Víctor Català; La Casa de los espíritus by Isabel Allende; Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (amb Michael De Cock and Carme Portaceli); El silenci dels telers from the homonymous work of Assumpta Montellà; Jane Eyre. An Autobiography, by Charlotte Brontë; El metge de Lampedusa, from the book of memories Lacrime di sale by Pietro Bartolo and Lidia Tilotta; Les supertietes, based on Contes contra tot pronòstic by Empar Moliner, Prize of the Mostra d'Igualada 2016, and Boquitas pintadas, based on the novel of the same name by Manuel Puig. She is also the author of the texts El senyor petit (Temporada Alta 2018), Barbes de balena (El Maldà 2017) and Flors carnívores (Sala Atrium 2013).
Additionally, she is the scriptwriter of the fiction podcast L'última bruixa (tres temporades), a proposal by Kabuts with Mercè Aranega, David Verdaguer, Chantal Aimée and Sergi Vallès.
Audiovisual producer. He is graduated in music production by the School of Audio Engineering of Amsterdam and superior technician in audiovisuals. Erol has produced the documentaries Make Turkey Great Again, MORENTE: "Bars, silences and freedom”, There's Still Someone in the Woods, (Winner of the Mediterranean Memory Award PRIMED Film Festival, Marseille 2021), Award for Best Documentary on Human Rights, Montreal Independent Film Festival, BIG PRAWN MAMA, 'Not Just Food’, Conservar la memòria. El MAE. El museu de les Arts escèniques, Trapezi, (Art, Espectacle i Vida).
He has also produced audiovisual content for theatre as Sí Sí Sí, Beuré de la Teva Aigua, Calla Hamlet Calla, Moriu-vos, Eufòria, ”Històries d'Istanbul, a contrapeu, MÀTRIA, Posaré el teu cor en una safata.
Scenic and visual creator. Graduated in Graphic Design and Performance at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. Her artistic research consists of exploring mixed creative territories between live arts and visual arts. Artist in residence at Teatre Lliure during the 2023/24 season. In 2024 she co-directed Thauma (a scenic poem) at Teatre Lliure in Barcelona. At the end of 2023 she co-directed the 28th Winter Circus of the Ateneu Popular de Nou Barris with the show Glatir. She is the creator of the scenic pieces Plácido Mo, a documentary artistic device that intervenes in public space (premiered at Teatre Lliure 2021, toured Catalonia and Canada); Me & Magdalena, a piece on the construction of memory based on research into the contemporisation of paper theatre (premiered in 2022 at the Llavors Festival in Balaguer) and Infinitus, a show produced by Teatre Lliure, and where the research on paper theatre continues. She works as an actress and as a visual creator in the project There's Still Someone in the Woods, by Cultura i Conflicte, which addresses sexual violence as a weapon of war in the Balkans (premiered at the TNC, 2021) and also in "MORIU-VOS" / "MORÍOS" which focuses on ageism. In the field of visual arts, in 2019 she published her project Dia a dia, an illustrated book that focuses on activists from around the world and, since 2019, she has directed Vilart, a rural festival that combines visual arts and live arts in Castellbell i el Vilar (Barcelona). She has also collaborated in the production of audiovisual pieces such as Faust i jo, by Anna Maria Ricart based on Goethe (Teatre Lliure, 2020) and music videos such as Lonely woman and Strange Fruit, by cellist Alba Haro. Recently, she has participated in several projects of the Teatre Lliure educational program: she was the artist of EN RESiDENCIA (T. 19/20) for the students of INS Joan Fuster. As an actress, she has worked in: Jane Eyre, directed by Carme Portaceli; Frankenstein, by Guillem Morales, directed by Carme Portaceli, and Històries d'Istambul, by Yeşim Özsoy, directed by Joan Arqué, among others.
He has dedicated himself to multiple professional tasks during his life, although he has always felt comfortable in the fields of travel and discovery. Maybe that’s why he has been working professionally as a photographer since 2001. He has published nationally and internationally in media as diverse as “Lonely Planet Magazine”, the “Chinese Photographer’s Magazine” or “The Rough Guide”. He has also worked as a photographic producer in gastronomy books with the publishing house “El Triangle”. He was awarded the Humanity Photo Awards 2015 (nomination Award), an award granted by the Chinese Anthropological Association and UNESCO for a work on the Carthusian Community of Santa María de Montalegre. He has also been awarded the “Hotusa” award at the XV International EUROSTARS GRAND MARINA PRIZE 2015 photo contest with a work on Gaudí’s Modernism. He is currently the photo director of the magazine “Tiana’t” and is part of the photographic project “Our Place World Heritage” that documents the World Heritage Sites around the world for the UNESCO photo archive.
He is a filmmaker from California, now residing in Barcelona. His graduate project “Let Go” launched his career by winning Best Short Film in the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival and afterwards he moved towards LA to work in sports advertising. With wide experience in all levels of the production process, he has specialized as a camera operator and editor during the last ten years. As a freelancer he has worked in audiovisual projects varying from; advertisements, film, theater, events, and recently documentaries. He works closely with Bonobo films and has built clients of the likes of FC Barcelona, Nike, Leroy Merlin and many others. He is always searching for the best way to visualize the story behind each project.